In search of Rimte, caught many small Rimtes and Perches
Torsdag d. 22. oktober 2020
Beskrivelse af turen:
I wanted to catch my first
Rimte and ended up catching many with worms and mainly, with small flies.
Fangster fra denne rapport
I did not know that, interesting
On the other hand, sea bass probably exists only in Jylland, right?
If You mean
havbars, You are right about that they are most common on the westcoast of Jylland.
Yes, that's it
havbars. I know them by "sea bass"
Aborre (Perca fluviatilis)
Fanget ved spinnefiskeri på naturlig agn - Earthworm
Fangst tidspunkt eftermiddag
aborre blev genudsat.
Rimte (Leuciscus idus)
Fanget ved spinnefiskeri på naturlig agn - Earthworm
Fangst tidspunkt eftermiddag
Dette er min første
rimte blev genudsat.
Nyeste fangster på FiskeFoto
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