Quick 1h trip for Perch, ended up yielding Big Trout
Søndag d. 1. november 2020
Beskrivelse af turen:
As I just joined Ishøj Sportsfiskerklub, I went at 15:00 for a quick trip at St Vejle river, in search of Perch. I was using a soft bait, medium sinking shad. I hooked a huge fish, which jumped out of the water and got away. Few minutes later, I hooked another big one, and this time, I landed it. It was a huge male trout! I always heard stories of how delicious this fish is, but I intended to release it anyway. Unfortunately, it died, so I brought it home, a nice prize, for a quick fishing trip! Few minutes after the fish, I hooked another big trout, which got away again. What a hard fish to catch, but still, a bag full of emotions and excitement!
Fangster fra denne rapport
Havørred (Salmo trutta forma trutta)
Fanget ved spinnefiskeri - Soft baid shad
Fangst tidspunkt eftermiddag
bækørred blev hjemtaget.
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