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Where to catch Carp near Copenhagen, for quick sessions very early in the morning, before work?

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Alfred Reinold Baudisch (tirsdag d. 22. september 2020 15:14:21)

Where to catch Carp near Copenhagen, for quick sessions very early in the morning, before work?

I'm looking for carp spots near and around Copenhagen, where I can go by bike + public transportation, but I'm confused on where I can go and where I'm allowed to fish.

I'm looking mostly to catch and release carp with corn, homemade dough (corn + breadcrumbs + sugar), bread and also sinking boilies, preferrably somewhere that I could fish in the morning before work, something from 5:00 to 9:00, without having to camp.

Can anyone recommend places, please? All carp photos here are marked as "location hidden", so it's hard to guess where to find those fish.

I tried Utterslev Moose, but the whole lake seemed completely dead and very shallow without life. I only found a shoal of small Perch hidden below a bridge.

Thank you!
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